Long Covid Prayer

For the last nine years I have been suffering a dreadful menopause transition.  My main symptoms are flight or fight related.  I have suffered anxiety disorder since I was young and the stress that menopause puts on the body has activated my body to become stuck in flight of fight all day every day.  For nine years I have not known physical peace. I have tried so many things to help and nothing has stopped this.  A beta blocker and hormone cream however has taken my symptoms from unbearable to bearable.  In other words, it is still incredibly hard to live like this, but it has become my new normal and I have adapted my life to manage as best as I can.  Any extra stress causes the symptoms to become unbearable again.

In 2022 I caught covid.  It was very mild but for three weeks afterward I experienced long covid symptoms.  The menopause flight or fight symptoms became unbearable again. The worst symptom I experienced was heart related.  My heart palpitations became super scary.  I had already been suffering missed beats, extra beats and hard beats.  At times my heart felt like a fish was flopping in my chest, whilst other times it would have pauses then a hard bang that shook my body, and at other times palpitations that felt like a bird fluttering. This was all menopause related and ECG’S had picked up the arrythmias, but I was told that they weren’t indicative of heart disease and were hormone related. I remember once, a week after the covid infection I walked from my car to a shop, and it was only a 2 minute walk and my Fitbit recorded my heart rate going from 66bpm to 174bpm.  My heart had never gotten that high with walking before.  It happened another couple times after that episode.

With all this going on I had developed heart attack anxiety.  I was obsessed and would constantly fear heart attacks. During the covid time frame I was being inundated by people sending me links and articles about people who were dying of heart attacks. This caused my heart attack anxiety to become even worse. These people were blaming the covid vaccines.  Studies also showed that excess deaths around the world were way higher and heart attacks were at the top of the list. Mark and I and our two children had received the Pfizer vaccine in 2021.  We had sought God about this and believed He had advised us to have the original two vaccines and no boosters.  He had shown my husband Mark a dinghy going over a waterfall and that the dinghy was the vaccine, the waterfall was covid and it was way better to go over a waterfall in a dinghy than without.  He had shown me that the boosters were causing immune fatigue and not to get them.  We obeyed and had peace about our decision but as time went on and I saw that more and more people were dying of heart attacks around the world so at the back of my mind I became worried that maybe the vaccine was at fault after all.  I had always believed covid itself was the cause but what if my family and I were now walking around with a time bomb in our bodies ready to go off. The more people sent me about the vaccine the more doubt would creep in, and I would ask myself, ‘did I really hear from God’? I already knew that there was a rare side effect of myocarditis and pericarditis with Pfizer and blood clots with Moderna which sadly affected some people but that seemed to be happening within the first month of receiving the vaccines, not years later as a side effect from a vaccine that had been taken many months or years earlier.  I had prayed many times to God about this and was hoping for an answer.

I recently caught covid again a second time (07/05/2024) and this time it was worse.  For the next two weeks afterward, I started experiencing long covid symptoms again.  I was waking over six times a night with hot flashes and heart palpitations that were so bad whilst feeling disoriented at the same time.  My diaphragm was constantly squeezing in a spasm all day, and I felt breathless all the time. My brain felt foggy, and I felt like I couldn’t think straight, and the exhaustion was terrible.

I had been praying and asking God to help when one day (22/05/2024) I sensed He wanted to speak to me. I sat down with pen and paper, and this is what I heard ~ “You are suffering long covid and I am going to heal you from this.  Long covid is causing damage to the body.  It is one of the leading causes of the excess deaths and heart attacks.  Those who are vaccinated with the initial series before catching covid will fare the best.”

*****I did some study after receiving this word and the first thing I found was an article from the British heart foundation and I have cut and pasted what they wrote from a study, ‘There are also concerns of a potential rise in heart problems linked to Covid-19. A study from January this year found that people with and without pre-existing heart conditions who caught Covid-19 before the vaccine roll-out were 40 per cent more likely to develop cardiovascular disease, and five times more likely to die in the 18 months after infection. People who had experienced severe Covid-19 infection were at even higher risk’.

He continued, “Unvaccinated had no protection in place.  The vaccine was designed to teach the body how to recognise the virus and attack it.  The cellular memory especially for the MRNA vaccine will last for years. The vaccine is better than covid as your defence.” (The reason He said this is because many people believed and had told me that catching covid (specifically omicron) was better than the vaccine for immunity). “Nobody understands the virus better than Me.  Boosters were not necessary and cause unnecessary duress on the body.” (He was referring to the boosters of the initial vaccine given in quick succession, one after the other, after the initial two. He had told both Mark and I that our family should not get these. Data shows that the original two vaccines from Pfizer still work to protect you from death, hospitalisation and serious illness, but not against catching it. In fact, none of the vaccines really prevented you from catching the infection for very long. The updated ones that protect you once yearly like the flu vaccines for the new strains I believe are fine for people who are vulnerable and need them, but for most omicron was less serious.)

You did exactly what I needed for you to do.  You are suffering long covid and this shows you the nature of this virus.  People are praying against the side effects of the vaccine (which isn’t wrong) while negating covid itself.  Long covid is affecting millions of people worldwide.   Covid is designed to attack the major systems and cause damage.  The damage is widespread, and the effects will be felt for years to come.  My people do not need to suffer these damaging effects for I am their healer.  I died to give them life.  My life for their life.  Give your life afresh to me this day and I will show you what I can do with it.”

After I prayed the prayer that God gave to me (below) the long covid symptoms I was experiencing went away.

(PRAYER) – “Father God in Jesus name I rebuke long covid.  I cut with the sword of the Spirit the long tail of covid in Jesus name. The virus has entered my body and data shows it may cause long term damage.  If this is the case, I renounce this damage and pray for healing in my body in Jesus name.  The spirit of destruction was the force behind covid, and I bind it now and command it to leave me immediately in Jesus name.  I also command death and premature death to leave with destruction immediately in Jesus name. I pray for healing within all internal structures in my body in Jesus name.  I pray complete healing over the skeletal system, the muscular system, the nervous system which includes the brain, spinal cord and nerves, the endocrine system, the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, and the reproductive system in Jesus name. I give my life afresh to You Lord Jesus today. Thank You Jesus that by Your stripes I am healed, Amen.” 

By Tania Francis


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