Devils Playgrounds
I was once listening to a man who was formerly a warlock (now a Christian) talk about how he would get sent by satan to nightclubs and bars to curse people. He named these places the ‘devils playground’.
Why would these places be called the ‘devils’ playground’? These places are designed to appeal to the flesh. It is a place to go for hook ups, get drunk and dance to worldly music. (Not all worldly music is bad, but some is full of lyrics that are anti-Christ and even curses as you sing them). If you are entering into the devil’s domain, you can become a target for attack. The warlock I listened to was specifically sent by satan to target Christians in these places. These occult members will try and curse us by talking to us, specifically by asking questions to trap us into accepting curses. It may seem innocent but there is evil in their intent. If we accept or partner with what they are saying to us the curse will more than likely alight. If there was any sin such as debauchery, lust or drunken antics, then that would give satan double ammunition against us. We need to be on guard and not give the devil a place.
Does this mean we should not go to these places? Before I was a Christian, I would always frequent these places as I love socialising, music and dancing. I decided to do a google search by typing in ‘Can Christians go to bars and nightclubs’ and the answers were varied. One Scripture that someone who was against it stood out to me ~
Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts (Romans 13:13-14, NKJV).
I then sought God to see what He had to say on the matter for myself and this is what I believe He spoke - “What do I have to say about this? What is your motive? Why are you going? Are you going to drink? Is drinking your god?
Are you going to worship the band or do you just like to dance? I look at the heart.
These places are designed to feed the flesh. This does not meant that they are inherently bad.
Have you set your fruit to holiness? Can you avoid temptations? The temptations will always be there but can you say no?
The devil has a field day in these places but does that mean Christians should avoid them? If you have weaknesses and will give in to sin such as drunkenness, lust, debauchery and lewdness then yes, but if you can withstand all these things and are going to celebrate a special occasion and can keep yourself clean then it is not a sin to enter these places.
Are they unholy? The places themselves are not unholy, it is the practises that take place in them that are unholy. Food is served in many of these establishments and friends and families can sit and enjoy a meal together.
What is my advice to you? Avoid them unless it is a special occasion. It has nothing to do with anyone else, it is between Me and you. I look at the heart.”
Now I will only be at them if I am celebrating dinner and dancing for something special like an anniversary or birthday. I will have a couple glasses of wine but avoid drunkenness which is described as ‘affected by alcohol to the extent of losing control of one's faculties or behaviour’. My non-Christian friends still go quite often and invite me, but I do not want to frequently enter into places that give glory to the devil nor establish patterns that focus on the things of the world.
(PRAYER) - "In the name of Jesus Christ I repent for unrighteous behaviour that did not reflect godliness such as debauchery, lust, lewdness and drunken antics. I forgive the people who may have cursed me in nightclubs and any other playground of the devil and ask You to bless them. I break all curses that came upon me when entering the devils’ playgrounds and command all demons attached to those curses, including demons that came in on drunkenness, lust, lewdness and debauchery to leave in the name of Jesus Christ".
By Tania Francis
Update - See Laying Down Alcohol