BrokenSoulHealing The Wounded Spirit and Soul                                

To download in PDF click hereHealing the Wounded Soul and Spirit Prayer

Humans have a soul and a spirit. Many of us carry a wounded soul and a wounded spirit.  Our spirit and soul both need healing and this healing can only be done by Jesus.  Man cannot heal himself of a wounded spirit or soul.

Wounded Spirit - The spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness, But who can bear a broken spirit? (Proverbs 18:14, NKJV).
A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, But by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken (Proverbs 15:13, NKJV).

The Lord taught me recently that you can have a wounded soul and also a wounded spirit.  I had previously only known about the wounded soul. The soul (which is the heart of man and comprises our mind, will, emotions and conscience) was separated from the spirit at the fall in the Garden of Eden.  The soul can house all kinds of trauma, pain, wounds and even demons.  The spirit can be wounded also. Our human spirit belongs to God and is the breath of God.  The devil and his demons cannot touch our human spirits once we are born-again.  If we are wounded or demonised in our spirit this is healed when we receive the Holy Spirit at the time of our baptism. Woundings in our spirit can be formed from our own rejection towards God, and when we perceive that God has rejected and abandoned us. God once showed me that if someone doesn’t appear to have received the Holy Spirit after praying for salvation to look for rejection against God, or the belief that God has rejected you. Repentance of rejecting God will need to be done, as well as repentance for believing God could ever reject or forsake you, and then forgiving God because you believed He rejected you.  The only time according to Scripture that God will turn from you is when you reject Him and turn away from Him.  If you reject Him and tell Him to go away, He has no choice but to walk away because He will not violate free-will and force Himself upon you.  Be assured though that anytime you turn back to Him He will be there with open arms waiting for you. If at any time in our lives we have laid down the call of God over our lives that too can wound our spirit and soul.

The spirit is where our Godly intuition, Godly gifts and Godly fruit operate from.  The spirit is in the body of every human being there is.  It lies dormant, or inactive to the ways of God until you are born-again. The soul is where our fleshly emotions and conscience operate from.  The spirit and the soul war against each other. When you are born-again in your spirit all the damage and all the wounds are healed and it becomes brand new – but when people whom God has put in your path to feed and nurture your spirit wound you, the spirit can become wounded again. When this happens the spirit can enter into dormancy again. One such example is other believers as you are all ‘one body’ in Christ. This means our born-again spirits are one with other believers and we are linked together spiritually. I recently was shown by God a lady’s spirit and it was battered and bruised all over which was caused from rejection of people in her church. She was very prophetic and obedient to God which in turn made many reject and want to shut down her Holy Spirit gifts in operation. This in turn made her unconsciously lay down her gifts as she was no longer wanting to use them through ‘fear of rejection’.  

The Lord once taught me that there are also Godly soul ties meaning they nurture and provide sustenance to the soulish parts of man with holy things and they can be between you and people God has given to us to feed our spiritual wellbeing. When the spirit and soul are thriving the physical body will too. These connections are God-given. Our souls can also become wounded when we have disconnected and broken that Godly tie from any person that God has joined together. Divorce between husband and wife is a classic example as you are joined in a Holy Union of a threefold cord.

Ungodly soul ties are soul to soul meaning they are soulish and carnal which feed the fleshly parts of man with unholy things.  They are formed when we enter into unholy unions with another through sexual relations or other things such as occult activities.

How do we get our spirits healed?  We firstly need to release our spirits and souls to Jesus for healing. We may even need someone else to release it in a positive, believing prayer. In order for this to happen we need to forgive those whom God has chosen to nurture us that have instead hurt us, and vice versa.  We need to also repent for every relationship that was given by God that has been broken. 

(PRAYER) – “Father God in Jesus name I repent for anytime I and my ancestors rejected You.  I repent and renounce the lie that You would leave or forsake me.  I forgive You for the times I believed You forsook me. I repent for anytime I laid down the call of God over my life. In Jesus name I forgive all those whom I have a spirt to spirit connection with that hurt or wounded me.  I bless them.  I repent for all people that I have hurt or wounded that God gave to me to nurture and feed also. I repent for all God-given connections between myself to another that has been broken by myself or them. I forgive myself for all the things I have done that has wounded or hurt another. I repent also for not using my gifts through ‘fear of rejection’. I release my spirit to You now and submit all my hurts and wounding’s to You to be healed.  I pick up my God given gifts again so I can be used by You fully in Jesus name.”

(Have someone Godly that you can trust to speak this over you)

(PERSON PRAYING) – “I release (name) from a wounded spirit and I pray for every area in his/her spirit to be healed in Jesus name.”

Wounded Soul
-  Our soul is also known as our spiritual heart.  God showed me that our heart has four chambers like our physical heart which are mind, will, conscience and emotions. Our spirit is our God conscience - I tell the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit (Romans 9:1, NKJV). Our soul (heart) has a evil conscience until it is purified. Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water (Hebrews 10:22, NKJV). The heart is the area in which we trust God, and worship in spirit and truth. Deliverance and healing enable our soul to come into alignment with our born again spirit. 

 A soul can become wounded from sin, (our own sin or those sinning against us), soul ties (invisible spiritual links between oneself and another person, object or thing in which demons pass between), divorce (when two become one and then separate, the tie that is formed between the two souls is torn, tearing the two souls in the process) and traumas (rejection, self rejection, fear etc..) 

 Lest they tear me like a lion, Rending me in pieces, while there is none to deliver (Psalm 7:2, NKJV).

 I said, “Lord, be merciful to me; Heal my soul, for I have sinned against You" (Psalm 41:4, NKJV).

 He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake (Psalm 23:3, NKJV).

 Whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks understanding; He who does so destroys his own soul (Proverbs 6:32, NKJV).

And the two shall become one flesh’; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh (Mark 10:8, NKJV).

A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones (Proverbs 17:22, NKJV).

A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, But by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken (Proverbs 15:13, NKJV).

He heals the brokenhearted And binds up their wounds (Psalm 147:3, NKJV).

A wounded soul can cause physical infirmities.  What we sometimes see in our bodies is a reflection of our soul. Many times when healing comes for the soul, the physical manifestations in the physical body are healed also. A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones (Proverbs 17:22, NKJV).  
Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers (3 John 2, NKJV). These woundings can happen throughout the various stages of our lives.  Parts of the soul can crack and separate themselves from the main core of us.  It is a coping mechanism to protect us from the pain. We then build a wall as a form of self protection around that memory and pain. This wall is false protection and is built upon using lies from the enemy. This is known as a demonic stronghold. The wounded parts of us are known as alters. Alters are simply parts of your mind that are locked up. These alters can form from a very young age and they are a God given help in helping the core (main) person to continue with their life.  In deliverance the demons can be found behind the alters. The demons that enter into the cracks become false counterparts of us. These false demonic counterparts can be known as preconception you, in-utero you, baby you, toddler you, little girl/boy you, teenage you, adult you and senior you. A soul can also split in half (completely sever) to form separate identities which is what we see in mental illness such as Split Personality disorder, Bipolar or schizophrenia. This is due to extremely traumatic events.  A double minded man is unstable in all his ways (James 1:8, KJV). It can even shatter and break which is known as a Psychotic Break, Dissociative Identity Disorder and MPD.

You will need to relinquish the wall of false protection to Jesus. The Holy Spirit may show you that you need to engage with those parts of you that are wounded and speak healing into them.  He may lead you to scriptures that come against specific traumas like rejection, fear, fear of death etc..... You will need to look for un-forgiveness and any un-confessed sin and release where applicable. You will need to sever the ungodly soul tie that is attached to the place of the event, and to any people involved in the trauma. You will also need to release the demonic counterparts of you that has entered between the fragmented part of you.     One time when God was healing my fragmented soul He showed me that I had rejected myself and hated myself as a child because of rejection from others.  After I had forgiven the people who had rejected me I spoke to ‘Little Girl me’ and told her I loved her over and over as I wept.  The healing was huge as I finally accepted myself and spoke love into those wounds of self hatred.

When the Lord started to teach us about wounded souls and alters I asked Him if this could be backed up Scripturely as I firmly believe that everything one does needs to be confirmed through Scripture. I already knew through Scripture that souls could be shattered, broken and wounded and that God wanted to make us whole but what about the separate personalities and alters needing to be dealt with.  Immediately He brought me to Himself.  He showed me that He is a three part being.  Although He is one God He has three distinct personalities each with different roles.  If we are made in His image then we too can become distinct personalities but still be one.

(PRAYER) - “Heavenly Father in Jesus name I repent for every sin on behalf of myself and ancestors that wounded my soul.  I release my soul to You for healing. I repent for all times I was artificial, and pretended to be something I was not. I have tried to protect myself as I have not trusted anyone else to protect me, including You and those you have put in authority over me. I forgive the people who wounded, failed, traumatised, and rejected me (name them if possible). Self-protection is an idol in my life, as I trust in it more than I trust in You so I relinquish this idol and everything else I have used to protect me to you Lord Jesus, as this is false protection.  Tear down these walls, I no longer need them, nor do I want them, all I need is my God-ordained covering. I renounce the lie that You are not protecting me.  I declare that I am under the refuge of Your wings (Psalm 91) and that I will fear no evil, for You are with me.  Your rod and Your staff comfort me (Psalm 23).  I declare that my protection is my God-given walls which are salvation (Isaiah 60:18). In the name of Jesus I break all access points, ill effects, pain and trauma to all events.  I break ungodly soul ties to all people involved with the traumas and I break the ungodly soul ties to all events where there was a wounding of my soul.   I break all enemy assignments operating against me and my family. I break all entry points of death, destruction, fear, rejection, torment, grief, shock and trauma, including that which entered in the womb.  I bind and break all accident, misadventure and curses and command all demons I received from all wounds, traumas and soul ties to leave in the name of Jesus Christ.  I speak to all demonic spirits entrenched within false protection including multiple me, artificial me, false me, hurt and abused me, man/woman me, senior me, adult me, teenage me, little girl/boy me, toddler me, baby me, in utero me, preconception me, protection of self and every other demon of false protection, insecurity and not trusting in the Lord, as well as all spirits of mental illness and break your power and command you to leave in the name of Jesus Christ.   I ask you Lord Jesus to remove the pain from the memories, and to remove all residual effects.   I pray for the anointing of Christ to repair all wounds and for all fragmented pieces within my soul to be restored and placed back into their rightful place in Jesus name. I pray that the real adult whom God made will come up in me and stay.”

Split Soul/Self Rejection
When we suffer with lack of self-worth we don't know our value. Self-rejection is a result of this.  We may reject who we are because we don't like who we are. One of the biggest things God needs us to realise is 'who we are in Him'. We won't know who we are when we don't like who we are because we have rejected who we are in Christ because God Himself made us - in fact He knitted us together in our mother’s womb and He tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139).  The Lord told me that ‘rejecting yourself’ is the same as ‘rejecting the image of God’ because we are made in His image. When we have rejected our self our soul will tear right down the middle.  It doesn't divide into two separate pieces like what we see in people who are suffering from the effects of ritualistic abuse but the tear is still significant and causes much sickness within our physical bodies.  Autoimmune disorders are a classic example of self-hatred and self-rejection. Arthritis is another example of self-rejection. We need the love of Christ to repair that split to make us whole again.

(PRAYER) -"Father God I repent for rejecting my self which is the same as rejecting the image of God.  I repent for rejecting the image of God. I repent for false fronts, self-rejection, self-hatred and self-suppression - not allowing the rejected part to be truly me. I repent for trying to change who You made me into something You did not.  I forgive all those (name them if able) who made me feel I was not good enough and tried to change who I am and made me feel I had to change to be accepted.  Help me to remember who I am in You and help me to become again that person You created me to be."

(Ask Jesus to cover the rejected part of you with the blood of Christ).
"I speak to the parts of me that I rejected and tell you that I am sorry for rejecting you. I now embrace you and tell you that it’s okay not to be perfect. I love you and want to share my life with you.  You are no longer a stranger.  I forgive myself for all my shortcomings and I forgive myself for not living up to the expectations my parents, myself, others and You put upon me. I cast out all demonic counterparts that embedded themselves into the parts of myself that I rejected including all false protection,  multiple me, artificial me, double me, rejected me, suppressed me and false me in the name of Jesus Christ.  I pray Jesus Christ that You would fuse together that part of my soul that was split to become whole again".

Severed Soul/Abuse and Ritualistic Abuse -
Ritualistic Abuse is where a person is abused through methods of drugging and torture.  This can be satanic or not. In covens people may be kidnapped to be used as part of these rituals. Parents involved in covens can also willingly use their children as participants. Demons may be placed inside a person as part of the abuse. The extreme abuse suffered through Ritualistic Abuse actually severs the human soul. This severing can also happen with other forms of extreme abuse. Instead of just fragmenting and splitting, the human soul is actually separated into two parts. The person can develop what is known by medical professionals as Schizophrenia, Bipolar or Split personality disorder.  Mental illnesses are formed from severe traumas when they are bestowed upon individuals. What is interesting though is how families can suffer with the same mental illness and not be inflicted with the same severe traumas.  The Lord showed me how this works.  We once had a client who had a case of depression and double-mindedness.  It wasn't enough to be labelled as Bipolar or Schizophrenia but was instead labelled as depression. She felt a lot of the time as though she was two different people.  Sometimes she was nice and other times depressed or full of rage and anger. She operated in a double-minded capacity most of the time. The Bible tells us that a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways (James 1:8). Upon hearing this I immediately identified within myself the symptoms which also included mental confusion - not being able to concentrate, feeling distracted and sometimes feeling as though you are walking around in circles not really achieving much. Anxiety disorder is prevalent in my family line which I believe a big part of this whole disorder. The Lord revealed in this session that the client’s great great grandmother and also my great great grandmother had suffered terrible ritualistic abuse.  Their souls had been severed and a curse placed over them at the time of the trauma.  Their unforgiveness enabled the curse of mental illness (family pattern of double-mindedness) to fall on our families lines as a hereditary disease.  That certainly made a lot of sense.  The Lord showed me and the client that we had both been born with severed souls.  Only He could put them back together again in wholeness.  First I (and the client) had to stand in the gap on behalf of our grandmothers (great and great great) and repent for our unforgiveness then forgive the people who had done this and bestow a blessing on them and their descendants. We then had to forgive the people involved also for how it had affected us in our own lives. The curse was broken and the Lord was able to knit our souls back together again in complete wholeness.  I literally felt the difference straight away. I now feel more stable and level-headed. I believe that if you yourself haven't been subjected to ritualistic abuse but recognise some of the symptoms of mild schizophrenia or double minded-ness chances are there is someone in your family line that was ritualistically abused and the unforgiveness enabled the curse to fall upon you.  Before praying the prayer ask the Holy Spirit if there was someone in your family line that was ritualistically abused or severley abused and if He shows you someone specifically stand in the gap for them (this is reflected within the prayer) to break the curse.

(PRAYER) – “I ask the Holy Spirit to show me anyone in my bloodline who has suffered extreme abuse, and by whom". (Write it down)
"On behalf of myself and ancestors I repent Father God for all forms of abuse including ritualistic and ceremonial that was bestowed upon others. I repent for all unforgiveness my family has held against others in regard to all forms of abuse.  I forgive those who abused me and/or my family including all ritualistic and ceremonial abuse and pray blessings on them and their descendants. I specifically stand in the gap for (name the person) who was abused by (name the perpetrator) and I forgive them on his/her behalf. I renounce all ceremonial and ritualistic practices and acts where I, and/or my family may have been ritualistically abused, wed, dedicated, given or promised to Satan, covens, other people and demons. I divorce satan, any covens and all demons and I say ‘I do’ to Jesus Christ and I announce that I am the Bride of Christ. I confess Jesus Christ as my one and only God, Lord and Saviour.   I renounce and reject all guardians, demons and surrogate parents assigned to me and my family by satanists and occult groups.  In Jesus name I declare that God is my Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit is my guardian. I break all contracts and curses made where there was a sacrifice, pledge, oath, vow, or any other means of dedication toward myself and/or other family members. I ask You Father God to burn and destroy all things used and kept as part of the dedication rituals including DNA, hair, skin, blood and clothing. I wash away and dismantle all defilement, bonds, vows, curses, caveats, mottos, salutes, handshakes, declarations, covenants, spells, hexes, voodoo, incantations, teachings, assignments, binding contracts, oaths, blood oaths, blood ceremonies, blood sacrifices, bloodshed, drinking of blood, pacts, baptisms, false communion, agreement with the beliefs, rites and rituals made with satan and his demons. I wipe away all oil and blood from animals and humans that was shed and replace it with the blood of Jesus Christ and render all contracts null and void. I break connections and ungodly soul ties to all abusers and the place of all events in Jesus name.  Every demon involved with ritualistic, ceremonial and other forms of abuse, including any demons that were placed inside of me I now command you to leave in Jesus name. I also command all spirits of mental illness, schizophrenia, split personality disorder, double-mindedness, bipolar, madness, mania (hyperactivity), retardation, deaf & dumb, paranoia, insecurity, delusions, depression, hallucinations, manic depression and insanity I command you to leave immediately also. I release light and love in Jesus name, and I pray for the severed and fragmented pieces to be restored and repositioned back into their rightful place. Father I pray that where there was once confusion that there would now be peace.  For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints (1 Corinthians 14:33, NKJV)."

Never being good enough/Fractured Soul -
The word fracture means broken.  The soul can be cracked through wounds but when it is fractured the piece within the soul that is fractured actually breaks away from the main core.  The Lord told me that each piece of fractured soul represents a wound of acceptance of ‘Not being good enough’.  When people reject us or criticise us this creates a wound.  When we accept or partner with this lie by coming into agreement with it the wound is greater creating in the fracturing of that wounded part.   God revealed to me that I had a fractured soul.  I would seek approval from everyone. People had rejected me my whole life for being different. I am a super sensitive person and people had teased and rejected me. Nothing I ever did was good enough. I had to strive to be accepted. I carried this onto my husband and even to God. God showed me that I needed to forgive everyone who had rejected me and made me feel that I was never good enough. He told me that there was a spirit with me called 'Never being good enough'. He told me that perfectionism is from the devil. It is okay to not be perfect because God's love is unconditional. He loves you anyway. He told me that His love is a free gift. You can ask for it whenever you need it and He will supply it. Unbelief and other things though can block you from receiving it. Every person in our life has set a standard in which they think we should achieve.  This is impossible for we will never please everyone.  We need to forgive ourselves for not meeting the expectations that are put upon us.   

(PRAYER) - "In the name of Jesus Christ I forgive all the people who have made me feel that I wasn't good enough. (Name them if possible and bless them - "I forgive ....... and bless ....... in Jesus name")I repent for partnering with the lies that I am not good enough. I repent for hating myself and for trying to live up to others expectations, for this is an impossible task.  I accept me for who I am and I forgive myself for not meeting these expectations. I repent for believing I had to be good enough to receive God's love and blessings, and that I have to 'do' something to receive them. I repent for unbelief, for not believing that God's love is free, and that I had to 'earn' God's love and that I don’t qualify for 'good things'. God's love is unconditional and is freely given to those whom He loves. I declare that God loves me. I proclaim that it is okay to 'not' be perfect. Help me Father to see that perfectionism is bondage from the devil. Help me to laugh at my shortcomings and see them as opportunities to learn from, rather than accepting them as failures and errors. I declare I am the righteousness of Christ and I declare I am worthy of all things my Father in Heaven wants to bestow upon me. I graciously accept all He has for me! I declare that I am a beloved child of God and adopted into the Kingdom through Christ’s Blood. God loved me with His whole heart when I was imperfect. God loves me with His whole heart when I am perfect through Christs Blood - the only difference now is He can look at me and show me His love.  From the eyes of God there is no blockage between God and me.  The only blockage between God and me are the ones I create.  I repent for being a blockage to Your love My Dad in Heaven. I declare that I do not need to be good enough for acceptance – I am already good enough.  In the eyes of Father God I am perfect.  The Blood of Jesus makes me perfect. Thank You Jesus for Your blood that was poured out for me.

All demons who dwell in and around those fractured pieces including 'never being good enough', and perfectionism I command you to leave immediately in the name and power of Jesus Christ. I call those fractured pieces of soul back into wholeness.  I wash them clean with the pure and perfect Blood of Christ.  I declare that I am worthy to partake of the Blood and redemption power offered to me by Christ. I declare shalom in Jesus name.  Fill me to over flowing with Your perfect peace, Your perfect love and Your perfect security, Amen.”

Shattered Soul/Dissociative Identity Disorder
 According to Wikipedia DID (previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder) is a mental disorder characterized by at least two distinct and relatively enduring identities or dissociated personality states that alternately control a person's behavior.  Symptoms range from common lapses in attention, becoming distracted by something else, daydreaming, to pathological dissociative disorders such as psychosis. A psychotic break according to Wiki is someone who loses contact with reality. Symptoms can range from harmless delusions, to violent outbursts and major depression. The sufferer may also be unable to distinguish reality from fantasy. 

During a session the Lord showed me what happens with DID.  In most cases of trauma the soul fragments and separates from the core forming an alter (which is simply an altered state of mind) and then forms a wall of protection around itself.  The trauma and memory stays locked away enabling the person to continue to function but the soul is no longer whole and will eventually need healing and integration back into wholeness again. Demons will fill in the gaps left behind to replace those parts of your soul. With DID the fragmented part of the soul actually shatters into little pieces.  DID is the worst kind of damage to the soul. There can be one part that disconnects and shatters, or many.  Sometimes the entire soul can shatter.  It is the shattering that causes the disconnection from reality. When using worldly ways to fix this I saw each piece glued and put back together again.  Although everything had been placed back in its rightful place it looked repaired and not new.  God wants to give you a renewed soul.  Not just repaired but new!  Traumas fragment the soul.  DID is the worst kind of damage.  People with this disorder can never repair themselves – there is no reparation outside of Jesus. Man can pick up the pieces with drugs, occult means and self-help measures but this only repairs with glue.  Jesus wants to not only repair but make whole and brand new.

How does this happen?  Continual abuse until the soul can no longer protect itself. The soul disassociates because it runs away and hides from the pain. It can be through trauma, rejection, violence, abuse, and more. Complete shattering of the entire soul is all things combined until one breaks.  It is not one particular thing but many. In the worst kind of DID the soul has spit the dummy.  It can no longer function.  Everything breaks down.  The physical body needs the soul to survive. The spirit/soul and body are intertwined.  Like a well-oiled machine when one is out it affects everything as a whole. For Jesus to heal this disorder you need to forgive and bless those who have wronged you (See prayer below).  ***** We sometimes choose to hold on to the unforgiveness, hurt and pain thinking we are letting the guilty party off the hook if we choose to forgive them. This is not the case. We are leaving the outcome in God's hands, after all His word says 'He does not leave the guilty unpunished'. We are guilty of holding the offence if we have not forgiven.

 A week after the Lord gave me this revelation I got a prompting to ring a good friend of ours to invite them to see us for a catch-up.  I knew that he had suffered this very thing and needed some healing, and I also knew that any attempts to pray would have been rejected.  Before he arrived the Lord showed me the exact moment the disassociation happened so I would know how to pray and informed me that he would be receptive and would accept prayer. Before he arrived the Holy Spirit told us to anoint the door with oil and forbid any demons with him from entering our house.  The Lord told me that when he came in he would be in his right mind as the demon causing the episodes would not be able to come in. A couple months earlier he basically had a breakdown and was really struggling reconnecting with God and Life.  He had become a very different man – even violent at times and completely anti-Jesus. The day he visited us was the first time he had left the house in months.  He told us that on the way down he was determined that he wouldn’t accept prayer from us and nearly didn’t come.  God had different ideas.  (Smile)  God revealed to me that this gentlemen was suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder and is when one hides which allows a demonic entity to take place within the soul (mind/will and emotions).  This happens because the pain is too great, the soul shatters and disassociates.  The disassociated parts of the soul lies in tatters on the floor of your spiritual body. Basically you have dissociated yourself from reality and enter into fantasy and escapism.  The real you is no longer in control. In his case the Holy Spirit showed us it was self-rejection in the belief that he was a failure. This came about from the gentlemen following a word from God in regard to selling everything him and his wife had to start their own business to support themselves and their Ministry. After doing this a couple years later the business had failed to flourish resulting in financial ruin.  Initially he would not allow his wife to accept financial support from the Government because of the faith (and probably pride) in the word which in turn caused their money to disappear into nothing. They were basically living on nothing – it was a very scary time for them. Things got so bad he eventually allowed her to do this and they received enough money to support themselves for food, rent and power.  I gave them a word that this was only until their business gets established and flourishes. The word he received from God He decided was deception so in turn resulted in the failure complex in regard to supporting himself and his wife financially and the start of the breakdown.  We believe that the word was from God and it is about Gods timing and it will come to pass. (Sometimes we get a word from God and try and fulfil it in our way and our timing).To be healed of the DID he repented for self-rejection and the belief he was a failure. He then forgave those who had told him he was a failure then forgave himself for not meeting the expectations he had placed upon himself, and that others had placed on him. We called the disassociated parts of himself back into the core of him and cast out the entities who had resided in the empty spaces that were left after he rejected himself. We then prayed for God to not only repair but make his whole soul brand spanking new!  The result was instantaneous – amazing in fact.  It was as though he was a different person.  He revealed to us afterwards that he had also been having migraines and knew it was a result of the shattered soul.

Another case I prayed for was when a 17 year old young lady had been terribly wounded by the divorce of her parents three years earlier.  There had been lots of fighting, violence and abuse and the father had ended up with a young lady the same age as herself.  God showed me that the young lady had a disassociated part of her soul due to ‘fear of being hurt’. I saw in a vision this part of her running in fear and hiding in a jungle.  He told me that only the love of God can heal this but first she had to repent for hiding and running away from fear and pain.

(PRAYER) – “I ask the Holy Spirit to show me the exact moment the disassociation happened”.(There may be extra things you have to pray as well as the prayer below as everyone’s case will be different.)
"I forgive and bless all those who have hurt, abandoned, rejected, abused, forgotten about me and let me down. I forgive myself for not living up to the expectations my parents, other people, You and I put upon me.  I repent for rejecting myself and I repent for hiding from the pain.  I repent for running and hiding from fear and pain. I give to You Jesus all fear, hurt, pain, trauma and disappointment. I now call the dissociative parts of myself back into the core of me and cover those parts with the blood of Jesus Christ. 

 I speak to the demonic spirits who invaded the places in my soul that were left vacant when I became displaced from the core of myself and command you to leave immediately in the name and power of Jesus Christ. I command all spirits of Dissociative Identity Disorder, Multiple Personality Disorder and Psychosis to leave also in Jesus name. I pray for healing.  I pray for restoration.  I pray that Father God you would not only repair the soul but you would make my soul brand spanking new!  Amen.”

Troubled Soul
Recently I ministered to a lady who had generations of family members with mental illness – in which a couple of them had ended up in psychiatric units for treatment.  We prayed and asked the Lord Jesus for the root of this family issue.  I heard the words ‘troubled soul and mental torment’. I then had a vision of a young boy doing magic tricks and then going into a gypsy fair and stealing an item.  This item was old and it had a winding arm attached to it.  I saw the boy winding it around and around and a tormenting spirit came out.  I heard the words ‘accursed item’. I then realised that an ancestor of the family had stolen an item from a gypsy fair and they had cursed him and his family with a tormenting spirit.  To break this curse from them I had to get the lady to stand in the gap for the ancestor and repent for doing magic and also for stealing.  I then got her to forgive the gypsies for the curse that was placed on the boy and his bloodline (also her bloodline).  I then cast out that tormenting spirit and broke the curse on the family in Jesus name.

After I had done this session, I couldn’t help but think how much it reminded me of the spirit that troubled King Saul when he had been disobedient to God. Disobedience can cause one to inherit a troubling spirit that torments the mind.

(PRAYER) – “Father God in Jesus name I repent for all sins of disobedience and rebellion on behalf of myself and ancestors that enabled a troubling spirit to harass me. If there is a specific sin that I need to repent of in regard to this please show me (wait on God and write down anything He shows you then stand in the gap and repent) I forgive anyone (name the people if God showed you anyone who cursed you) that may have sent a troubling spirit.  I bless them in Jesus name.  I break any curse that is in operation that enables a troubling spirit to be sent in Jesus name. I speak to that troubling spirit who torments my mind and command you to leave me and my bloodline in Jesus name.”

Captive Soul
- Many things like sin and trauma can fragment our soul. The fragmented parts of our soul can be within our body, while other parts can be outside of our body.  A captive soul is where a part of your soul is fragmented and separated from the core of your soul and held prisoner by the enemy.  More often than not it is outside of your body.  When I first learned of the captive soul I struggled to believe that parts of our soul could be outside of our body. The Lord showed me that there is no time or space in the spirit realm and trying to analyse all this from an earthly perspective is impossible.  I have been shown also that some captive souls can be held in Hades or even the second Heaven where satan operates from. When in these places there is an element of torture involved.

When experiencing a traumatic event, as a means of self-preservation, a portion of your soul fractures and remains disconnected until both the trauma and any associated wrongdoing are addressed and resolved. The enemy will take up residence around that fragmented part and cause torment. The part of the soul that is fragmented remains trapped in that trauma suffering it repeatedly.

The Lord once told me that the soul cannot be taken captive unless there is rebellion, disobedience or a sin involved.  This may also include ancestral sins. In regard to the captive soul we see in the Bible when the children of God are rebellious or disobedient against God they get handed over to the opposing nations to be captured as slaves.   Isaiah 5 shows us that disobedience toward God enabled the Godly hedge of protection to be removed, and the disobedient people being taken into captivity. When we are rebellious or disobedient a part of our soul can be handed over to the tormentors. And his master was angry, and delivered him to the torturers until he should pay all that was due to him. “So My heavenly Father also will do to you if each of you, from his heart, does not forgive his brother his trespasses” (Matthew 18:34-35, NKJV). In this example a fellow servants master forgave him his debt, and in turn the fellow servant refused to forgive another their debt towards him.  The unforgiveness was the sin that enabled this man to be handed over to the tormentors.

The following Scriptures show us that we need to be released from captivity -

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord” (Luke 4:18-19, NKJV). The word bruised in Greek is Thrauō and means to break in pieces, shatter, smite through.

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound. (Isaiah 61:1, KJV).  The word captives in Hebrew is šāḇâ and means to transport into captivity:—(bring away, carry, carry away, lead, lead away, take), drive (take) away.

For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness. Those who sat in darkness and in the shadow of death, Bound in affliction and irons— because they rebelled against the words of God, and despised the counsel of the Most High, Therefore He brought down their heart with labor; they fell down, and there was none to help. Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, And He saved them out of their distresses. He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and broke their chains in pieces. Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, And for His wonderful works to the children of men! For He has broken the gates of bronze, and cut the bars of iron in two (Psalm 107:9-16, NKJV).

“I, the Lord, have called You in righteousness, And will hold Your hand; I will keep You and give You as a covenant to the people, As a light to the Gentiles, To open blind eyes, To bring out prisoners from the prison, Those who sit in darkness from the prison house” (Isaiah 42:6-7, NKJV).

Releasing the Captive Soul
This is the method the Lord has taught us to use in Ministry. 

(PRAY) - “I ask the Holy Spirit to please show me if there are any areas of my soul in captivity.” (Wait on God - If He has shown you areas of captivity continue with the next parts).

“Father God please show me the trauma that caused my soul to be held captive”.  (Write it down).

Repentance - “Father God please show me all sins which enabled parts of my soul to be handed over to the tormentors.” (Wait on God, **** If any sins are shown repent and/or forgive as needed.  Break any ungodly soul ties between yourself and anyone involved and cast out any demons shown then pray also the prayer below.

I am sorry for all rebellious, sinful and disobedient acts on behalf of myself and my bloodline against You God, Your Son and Your Holy Spirit and also against mankind, those You have placed in authority and Your creation.”

Releasing False Protection - I speak to the wall of protection I have created and tell you I no longer need you to protect me, as this is false protection.  I declare that My protection is my God given walls and they are called salvation (Isaiah 60:18).”

“I now ask the Godhead to release me from captivity.” (The reason I have put to pray and ask the Godhead is I have found many people struggle with trusting God the Father or even Jesus. Wait on God and He will show you a picture of Who is rescuing you (Father, Son or Holy Spirit).  Interact with them as you are lead by the Holy Spirit.  It may be that you are reluctant to go with a certain member of the Godhead due to lack of trust.  You may need to repent for not trusting and ask them to help you to trust. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you as to what you have to do before you can be rescued. Once you have discerned that you have been rescued pray the healing and integration prayer below.

Healing - (Pray) - “Lord, please minister to the wounded soul. Please restore and place back into alignment all pieces that were held in captivity. Pour in the healing balm of the Holy Spirit and cause your healing to radiate all around through spirit, soul and body. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. (Psalm 23:2-3, NKJV). I ask that You would destroy all prisons of captivity.  Thank You for rescuing me, In Jesus name, Amen. ".

There may also be times where you are lead to deal directly with an alter while ministering to another person.  This is how the Lord showed me how to deal with them.

Releasing the False Protection:

(Person Praying) - “I speak to (eg: little boy/little girl you) and tell you that you are safe.”

(Client) – “I speak to the wall of protection I have created and tell you I no longer need you to protect me, as this is false protection.  I declare that My protection is my God given walls and they are called salvation (Isaiah 60:18).”
(Cast out any demonic counterparts that are identified).


*Dealing with alters:

● Cover the alter with the Blood of Jesus Christ.

 ● Address the alter by naming who it is (i.e. Little girl) and ask questions, and/or speak healing into the girl/boy following the leading of the Holy Spirit – (The alter will converse with you). (Acceptance and healing between the adult and the alter may be needed. Rely on the Holy Spirit to show you what needs to be done).

 ● Pray for the healing of the soul so that the alter and the adult may be integrated back together again as one in wholeness and in unison. (Ask the Holy Spirit to confirm this is done.  The fullness of this may not happen until the end of the session).

By Tania Francis




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